Mixed Abilities Program

Use your NDIS plan if you are Self-Managed or Plan-Managed.

Group music sessions for adults with disability

Our Mixed Abilities Program is an on-going weekly 90-minute group session designed for adults with disability to get involved in music. Engaging with various genres and instruments from different cultures, experienced musicians and Registered Music Therapists support participants to sing, dance, play instruments, and make music together.

Participants of the Mixed Abilities Program have the opportunity to creatively express themselves, develop coordination, increase focus, improve social interactions and boost confidence. It is a fun, inclusive and dynamic space to look forward to every week.

** Participants attend these group sessions with their support workers, who are expected to play an active role in the class.

*** Mixed Ability classes take place during the ACT school term and will align as much as possible with the school term schedule. Weekly rehearsal times will not change.

Term Dates

Wednesdays 11am - 12:30pm with Shaw Herron

Fridays 11am - 12:30pm with Katie Cole and Adrienne Cullity

Fridays 1:30pm - 3pm with Katie Cole and Adrienne Cullity

Venue: Ainslie Arts Centre, Room 1

Fees: $395 + Membership Fee

Contact us for a free trial!